Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is Healthcare a Social Justice Issue?

The current debate regarding making affordable healthcare accessible to all American citizens fails to perceive this as a social justice issue. Not only are those debaters wish to deny access to healthcare unethical, it is also immoral and undeniably “unchristian” to deny one’s brother a drink of cold water. Accordingly, those who staff the walls of defense against uninsured Americans are consciously consigning the less fortunate to almost certain death. Therefore, access to affordable and available healthcare is a life and death issue, and refusal to provide access immoral, unethical, uncharitable and unchristian. When this problem is viewed from a social justice perspective, it is readily obvious that our elected officials and other self-appointed healthcare gatekeepers have made themselves judges of life and death. Is it acceptable to the American public that the decision of who is worthy of life and who is not should be decided such self-appointed judges? The answer is that only God has the power and wisdom to make such decisions.

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