Friday, September 19, 2008

Take Action for Fair Trade!

Take Action for Fair Trade!

  1. DEMAND Fair Trade from that corporations that profit most!

    M&M/Mars "Earth to Mars- Sell Fair Trade!"
    Paul Michaels, President M&M/Mars' 6885 Elm St.,McLean, VA 22101
    Send a free fax from our website
    Got a form letter from M&M/Mars? Here's how to respond.
    (Want to contact more companies?)

    Starbucks Carry at least 5% Fair Trade, and brew it as the coffee of the day once a week!
    Orin Smith, CEO; P.O. Box 34067, Seattle, WA 98124
    Send a free fax from our website

  2. BUY Fair Trade products: coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, bananas, fruits, and more- identified by the Fair Trade Certified label or Fair Trade Federation logo. Support fairness for US family farmers by buying local organic produce from co-ops, farmers' markets, and Community Supported Agriculture groups. Promote justice for US farmworkers by choosing produce with a union label.
  3. ASK local businesses to offer Fair Trade products and use Fair Trade ingredients. Don't forget to ask for local organic and union-labelled produce. Drop a note in the suggestion box and chat with the manager See a sample script and our Action guide for tips!!

    If your local supermarket or grocer already offers one or more fair trade products, encourage them to stock the growing list of other commodities as well. Trader Joes is one retail outlet whose fair trade inventory has plenty of room for growth. Call or write Trader Joes corporate office at and ask them to stock the full range of fair trade products!

    Dan Bane, Chairman and CEO
    Trader Joe's
    800 Shamrock Avenue
    Monrovia, CA 91016

    Oxfam America and Coop America also offer additional materials and resources for approaching your local supermarket chain to demand fair trade and reach out to their many customers, especially around the holidays!
  4. ORGANIZE your campus,community, local schools, and faith-based groups with our Fair Trade Action Packs (coffee, chocolate/cocoa) and K-12 materials. Advocate for Fair Trade from campus dining halls, businesses, companies, faith-based groups, workplaces, and more. Get schools to switch to Fair Trade chocolate for fundraisers, vending machines and cafeterias. Hold letter writing parties to companies..the possibilities and needs are endless!
  5. Use our FUNDRAISING Guide, for schools and groups who have chocolate fundraisers and want to lobby their suppliers to offer Fair Trade, or set up a fundraising program. Equal Exchange, Catholic Relief Services, and Lutheran World Relief all offer Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate for use in school, church and community fundraisers.

  6. EDUCATE yourself and your Community. Read background information on the coffee and chocolate/cocoa industries and news updates/archives on coffee and cocoa/chocolate. Get to know Fair Trade coffee and cocoa producers. Make presentations to campus and community groups. We can he;lp you get speakers, materials, and videos and other resources. Write a letter to the Editor or an article in your local newspaper. Contact us for tips. Share our Fair Trade Action Flyer!
  7. LOBBY your church, city or campus to pass a Fair Trade Purchasing Resolution, and Resolutions opposing the FTAA and other detrimental "free" trade policies.
  8. TRAVEL with GX's Reality Tours to meet and learn from Fair Trade producers. Live and work with Nicaraguan coffee farmers on GX's "Fair Harvest," also coordinated throughour Reality Tours program.
  9. CONNECT with the Fair Trade community by subscribing to the Fair Trade listserve for updates. K-12 teachers and parents can connect on the Fair Trade Teachers bulletin board. High school and college students, check out United Students for Fair Trade
  10. SUPPORT Fair Trade by becoming a member of Global Exchange or making a donation. Our campaign wouldn't be possible without the support of concerned people like you! Shop at "Global Exchange's Fair Trade Stores to invest in a better future for producers and the environment.

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